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NIC Interfaces not seen on wizard


I took the plunge today to try and get Sophos UTM up and running. However I have come unstuck pretty quickly.

The hardware is a Dell optiplex with addition nic card installed. The install has gone fine and I can get in and start setting up via the wizard. 

However when it comes to the internet side on the wizard when I click the interface pop up, it does nothing, consequently the only button I can click is to set it up later.

Now back in the main gui I add a new interface, but I am not sure what to do here. I have virgin media as a provider and have the router in modem only mode which its been for years. I therefore set the new interface up as an ethernet and that the IP will be dynamic.

On the main page it shows both the wan and lan side as up, but I have no internet. After some more head scratching I realised to set a default gateway, I guessed on lan side which I did, but still no internet.

I tried a reset and running the wizard again, but again no interfaces are shown for the initial set up, but show up fine once into the main gui, I can only assume that if they showed at the wizard point, it would make some settings to get it all going.

So anyhow, any advice here? I am trying to come from PFSense which frankly was far easier. i.e. I plugged my modem into one of the nics and boom I had internet.

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