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I've got an old ASG 110/120 appliance with me. Can I install 9.3 on it? H/W or S/W version? Fails during installation

I installed the H/W version onto the appliance.  But then, my home license isn't accepted.  I downloaded the S/W version, but then again, it says:

ASG check failed:  the installer is incompatible to the hardware.

This installation media is only for installations on non Sophos hardware.  If you want to install on Sophos hardware, please download an iso from

and complete the installation.

I was able to install XG on the same appliance.  It's just that cpu utilization runs high after leaving it on for a few minutes.  That's why plan to install version 9.

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  • Use the HW ISO (name starts with SSI), then from the shell, rename the /etc/ASG file. After doing this, reboot, and then you'll be able to use the home license. The SW ISO (name begins with ASG), should work though. I'm guessing that you may have accidentally downloaded another version of the HW ISO (name starts with SSI), as the SW ISO doesn't do the Sophos hardware check.  Performance will be entirely dependent of the revision of 120 that you're using, as there are component differences between them. Anything less than a rev 4 will be dismal. Rev 4 and 5 will be ok, but would be better with a ram upgrade.

    ACE v8/SCA v9.3

    ...still have a v5 install disk in a box somewhere.
  • Use the HW ISO (name starts with SSI), then from the shell, rename the /etc/ASG file. After doing this, reboot, and then you'll be able to use the home license. The SW ISO (name begins with ASG), should work though. I'm guessing that you may have accidentally downloaded another version of the HW ISO (name starts with SSI), as the SW ISO doesn't do the Sophos hardware check.  Performance will be entirely dependent of the revision of 120 that you're using, as there are component differences between them. Anything less than a rev 4 will be dismal. Rev 4 and 5 will be ok, but would be better with a ram upgrade.

    ACE v8/SCA v9.3

    ...still have a v5 install disk in a box somewhere.