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IP Limit Question???

Has the Sophos team given any more thought to raising the home IP limit to 100 for UTM 9? It was an encouraging surprise when I found out that Sophos XG didn't have the same 50 IP limit restriction. I was hoping that UTM 9 would limitation would also be relaxed. I know HomeLab'ers like myself would appreciate it greatly. Thanks

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  • Thanks for the response, I did attempt to use XG but honestly its lacking (That's not a complaint, its hard to complain about something that's free) at this stage. I had inquired in the past about purchasing a 100 IP home license but to my knowledge its never been an option for home use. To get around my issues I've just spun up a second instance of UTM 9 and put all my STBs and other connected devices on it and bridged that back into my existing network. I'm now back under the limit.

    Thanks again
  • Thanks for the response, I did attempt to use XG but honestly its lacking (That's not a complaint, its hard to complain about something that's free) at this stage. I had inquired in the past about purchasing a 100 IP home license but to my knowledge its never been an option for home use. To get around my issues I've just spun up a second instance of UTM 9 and put all my STBs and other connected devices on it and bridged that back into my existing network. I'm now back under the limit.

    Thanks again
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