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Hyper-V - Integration Services

Good evening

I am running Sophos UTM home edition on Hyper-V. It's working well for me. However, Hyper-V reports the following for the LAN & WAN network adapters:

Degraded (Integration services upgrade required)

How can I overcome this?



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  • When you are running a non-Windows guest such as SophosUTM/Linux/Mac on Hyper-V, the Hyper-V management console may display messages that indicate that the integration services for the non-Windows guest are degraded and no formal support will be provided by Microsoft unless the integration services are updated. It could be reason that SophosUTM is not officially support by MS yet. You can simply ignore it and continue using.
  • When you are running a non-Windows guest such as SophosUTM/Linux/Mac on Hyper-V, the Hyper-V management console may display messages that indicate that the integration services for the non-Windows guest are degraded and no formal support will be provided by Microsoft unless the integration services are updated. It could be reason that SophosUTM is not officially support by MS yet. You can simply ignore it and continue using.
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