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Hyper-V - Integration Services

Good evening

I am running Sophos UTM home edition on Hyper-V. It's working well for me. However, Hyper-V reports the following for the LAN & WAN network adapters:

Degraded (Integration services upgrade required)

How can I overcome this?



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  • Scott,

    I figured I would not be able to update the LIS since the UTM os is not to be modified and did not try. can you tell me what the appropriate SUSE version it is based on so that I can match it to the appropriate operating system VM template when creating the VM for the UTM 9.3. Currently I have it set to SUSE Enterprise server 11 (64 bit). I do also have a choice for SUSE Enterprise server 9, 10 and 12 (64 bit) along with different varieties of Linux OS choices.