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Hyper-V - Integration Services

Good evening

I am running Sophos UTM home edition on Hyper-V. It's working well for me. However, Hyper-V reports the following for the LAN & WAN network adapters:

Degraded (Integration services upgrade required)

How can I overcome this?



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  • What Linux integration service version Is built into UTM 9.3 ? Perhaps that is the answer to the this. There is no facility from Hyper-v to install the Linux integration tools as one would for windows OS. Hyper-v relies on either the Linux integration service (LIS) to be already installed in the OS or to be manually installed via the shell. My experience with Linux is very limited but from what I see Hyper-V integration is built into the UTM install as I can see the Hyper-V nic drivers but not sure what version (3.5? 4.0 are the latest I believe). Installing/ upgrading these would not be supported if I understand correctly. Does anyone know What version of Linux is the UTM 9.3 OS based on ?