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Hyper-V - Integration Services

Good evening

I am running Sophos UTM home edition on Hyper-V. It's working well for me. However, Hyper-V reports the following for the LAN & WAN network adapters:

Degraded (Integration services upgrade required)

How can I overcome this?



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  • I am having the same issue and from what I can tell the VM does have the Hyper-v integration services installed from what I see within packages installed in the UTM OS. All services are showing as offered as well.
    Does anyone running this under a Hyper-v VM not have this issue? If not having the issue I would be interested in what machine OS template was used and what Gen version was used. Mine were built as Gen 1 with the suse Linux enterprise 64 (11) as the OS template (via SCVMM 2012R2)

  • I would just ignore it, I've migrated several 2008R2 to 2012R2 Hyper-V clusters in the past and this message is displayed also for Windows 2008R2 server virtual machines if you don't upgrade integration services manually. If you don't, they still works ok.