I posted this when I first built my Sophos Atom Rangley server.
"Supermicro-SYS-5018A-FTN4 2.4 MHz 8-Core Atom Rangeley
16 GB 1.35 volt ram.
2.5 5,400 HD
Sophos UTM Home Beta 9.192-8 64 Bit -- (In Bridge Mode)
Gateway is a Zyxel USG 100 W/O Zyxel UTM enabled. All disabled for test, but normally run up-to-date Bluecoat Web Filter, old definition IDS/AV enabled.
Webfilter enabled dual AV 50mb file size set
IDS enabled 9,292 sigs/18,272
Application Control enabled
Country Blocking enabled
POP3 proxy enabled
I have Comcast 5/25
Speedtest dot net
Minneapolis to Chicago
100 ping
28.3 Mbps down 5 up
Minneapolis to San Jose
66 ping
25 Mbps down 5 up
Minneapolis to Bangor Maine
98 ping
20.9 down 5up
All of the above speed test the CPU never went over 2% with 14% ram usage of 16GB
Downloading 8 different connections of Untrangle, Linux Mint, Sophos UTM ISO and .IMG files "at once" the CPU was at 8% Just tried 12 downloads at once of connections and 12% CPU usage. I think I see a pattern...
I went downstairs to listen to see if the fan kicked up. Nothing, almost inaudible."
From the sound of this, it does not appear that a c2750 would be a bottleneck, at least not in my case.
I since retired my Zyxel USG 100 that this test had all the Zyxel UTM turned off.
I now have a Zyxel USG 60 with Cyren Content Filter, Kaspersky AV, Trend Micro IDS sigs (about 1/2 turned on) and Anomaly Detection, and Session Control all turned on.
I have upped my bandwidth from Comcast and have the 50/10. I have added an OWC SSD that has it's own Sandforce Trim to my Sophos server.
With BOTH UTM's running Content, AV, IDS, and others features, my new download spec are
Bangor to Minneapolis
Ping 62
Down 34.2
Up 11.9
SanJose to Minneapolis
Ping 64
Down 33.65
Up 12.1
Chicago to Minneapolis
Ping 26
Down 36.8
Up 12.6
Then I disabled the Zyxel UTM features and have the same speeds as above almost to a T.
Then I disabled Sophos UTM features and turned ON the Zyxel UTM features.
Banglor Maine
XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home
XG on VM 8 - v21 GA
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It's for the home, all it was was a hardware purchase, some power, it's a hobby, and it is layered defense. Why not? 37MB on a 3 person network is way more then fast enough. All my pages load fully in 2 seconds, plenty fast. The Zyxel is my gateway and the Sophos UTM is in transparent bridge mode.
There is a group of us people out there that run 2 UTMs, Sophos or Untangle in bridge mode because we can and the $40 in power is worth the extra layer of defense. And it is just not non IT guys. I know of a guy that has a ton of certs and UTM certs that does it for the layered defense also. With or without Sophos UTM, Kaspersky AV catches at least 3 to 10 non false positive files per day that skate right past Sophos UTM dual AV. IE.........layered defense. Plus, on my old USG 100 I liked having Blue Coat content filtering as an added layer from Sophos's McAffee content filtering. Now with the New Gen Zyxel USG's they get Cyren that I am not as happy to get changed up with, but oh well, still another layer.
As far as digging through my BIOS, I will have to revisit it. When I first set this server up, it was unknown if it would even load Sophos or Untangle. It was too new at the time and I was one of first to do it. I just did not want to break anything at the time. I was glad to get it running. Remember I am not in IT, so I don't have most of your guys knowledge. I did go into the BIOS when I got it to see if there was any power saving things I could turn off that were obvious or there was a choice that I questioned. I may revisit that and post any question on settings to William and you guys. There are many more setting on this server just for CPU than any BIOS I have every seen that is for sure.
Here is a picture of my home setup.
Here is the motherboard manual on page 65 or 4-5 section are the default BIOS settings. What would I change to get the server to get OFF power saving mode? Default are in bold.
This one is first up and it is set to AUTO as default. So if I disable, do I need to do anything to the others settings or is this it?? Does it interact with other settings that need to change?
EIST (Enhanced Intel®
Technology) GV3 allows the system to automatically adjust processor voltage and core frequency in an effort to reduce power consumption and heat dissipation. Select Auto to enable 80 CPU stepping
automatically and disabled other functions. The options are Disabled, Enabled, and Auto
Please refer to the Intel®for detailed information.
Owner: Emmanuel Technology Consulting
Former Sophos SG(Astaro) advocate/researcher/Silver Partner
PfSense w/Suricata, ntopng,
Other addons to follow
It's for the home, all it was was a hardware purchase, some power, it's a hobby, and it is layered defense. Why not? 37MB on a 3 person network is way more then fast enough. All my pages load fully in 2 seconds, plenty fast. The Zyxel is my gateway and the Sophos UTM is in transparent bridge mode.
There is a group of us people out there that run 2 UTMs, Sophos or Untangle in bridge mode because we can and the $40 in power is worth the extra layer of defense. And it is just not non IT guys. I know of a guy that has a ton of certs and UTM certs that does it for the layered defense also. With or without Sophos UTM, Kaspersky AV catches at least 3 to 10 non false positive files per day that skate right past Sophos UTM dual AV. IE.........layered defense. Plus, on my old USG 100 I liked having Blue Coat content filtering as an added layer from Sophos's McAffee content filtering. Now with the New Gen Zyxel USG's they get Cyren that I am not as happy to get changed up with, but oh well, still another layer.
As far as digging through my BIOS, I will have to revisit it. When I first set this server up, it was unknown if it would even load Sophos or Untangle. It was too new at the time and I was one of first to do it. I just did not want to break anything at the time. I was glad to get it running. Remember I am not in IT, so I don't have most of your guys knowledge. I did go into the BIOS when I got it to see if there was any power saving things I could turn off that were obvious or there was a choice that I questioned. I may revisit that and post any question on settings to William and you guys. There are many more setting on this server just for CPU than any BIOS I have every seen that is for sure.
Here is a picture of my home setup.
Here is the motherboard manual on page 65 or 4-5 section are the default BIOS settings. What would I change to get the server to get OFF power saving mode? Default are in bold.
This one is first up and it is set to AUTO as default. So if I disable, do I need to do anything to the others settings or is this it?? Does it interact with other settings that need to change?
EIST (Enhanced Intel®
Technology) GV3 allows the system to automatically adjust processor voltage and core frequency in an effort to reduce power consumption and heat dissipation. Select Auto to enable 80 CPU stepping
automatically and disabled other functions. The options are Disabled, Enabled, and Auto
Please refer to the Intel®for detailed information.
Owner: Emmanuel Technology Consulting
Former Sophos SG(Astaro) advocate/researcher/Silver Partner
PfSense w/Suricata, ntopng,
Other addons to follow