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Webinterface on every SG Firewall crashes and is inaccessible

Hello everybody,

at the moment we are experiencing major problems with every SG Firewall we use in our company and for our customers from SG105 to SG230.

No matter which browser or firewall or firewall firmware or pc, on every firewall we have constant crashes and freezes in the webinterface. Using the Mail Manager or viewing firewall protocol is absolute pain as it is almost guranteed that the webinterface crashes and freezes. I've no clue what else could be the issue for that.

I hope somebody experienced something like that before or maybe has an idea to resolve the issue.

Kind regards

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  • Hallo Konrad,

    Please copy here a few relevant lines from the logs mentioned in #2 in Rulz.

    I would open a case with Sophos Support.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
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