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UTM installation or reset - does not see Interface connected to ISP

So I am seeing (for whatever reason, I haven't found it yet) about every hour my internet connectivity just stop working for about 30 seconds to a minute.  It's enough for me to notice because it will interfere with any game that I am playing online, or simple web browsing.

So to rule out what has been my usual issue (the UTM), I decided to try to reset the UTM back to default, and also a fresh installation of UTM.  Both times, the interface (eth2) is not recognized even after setting it up in the setup wizard. My internal network (eth1) is recognized, but appears that the setup wizard is essentially ignored.

  • DHCP on eth1 is not setup, even though I did that through the wizard.
  • The internet connection is not showing at all on eth2, even though I specified it in the wizard.
  • Everything is turned off that shows on the main page after logging in (under Current System Configuration).  I suspect that's because of the eth2 issue.  Doesn't excuse eth1 issues though like DHCP missing even though it was setup.
  • The setup wizard also gets my license file uploaded, but the UTM doesn't apply it.
  • I can't use eth0 because it is an integrated card that no developer will ever seem to fix the driver issue (which no one ever answered: 9.7 killed eth0 for me... It had to be 'taken out'. - Hardware, Installation, Up2Date, Licensing - UTM Firewall - Sophos Community (This is a problem in both XG and SG) Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I217-LM
  • The card used for eth1 through eth4 is an Intel quad NIC card I added to my 1U. (Intel Corporation 82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) )
  • I have an eth5 that I used but decided to change everything to the NIC because this issue prompted me to change ports due to the original issue to test.

Anyone run across this issue of UTM not recognizing what you do through the wizard to set up the environment?  I used the 9607-2.1 ISO file to load both times.  I had since located my newer version ISO but haven't been down that road yet of using it to reload.  If I need to, I can and would if that version has a known problem like this.

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  • I recently went through some similar nic headaches when migrating utm from one server to another.

    Old platform was i5 6600K, 32GB ram, esxi based using an intel quad nic card (intel i340-t4, intel 82580 based). 1 port in pci passthrough (wan), 1 vnic associated with a real nic (lan), and 1 vnic for internal vm's only, not associated with any physical nic.

    New platform amd 5800x, 64gb, x570 chipset with i211 and rtl8125 onboard nics (and 8 sata ports relevant to the nas, not utm). To mix things up a bit I decided to go to proxmox - esxi does not support the rtl8125 !@#

    Anyhow, it seemed one of the defined nics wasn't recognized. Or rather it was but wasn't....ThinkingThinking

    Turned out, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules was causing a mapping conflict.  I can't remember which ethx exactly, but deleting the existing lines allowed it to regenerate correct entries on reboot.  Nic was now recognized. I wonder if this was part of your problem too.

    Or maybe not since you said it was a completely new install from scratch.  Mine wasn't even an import, rather a migration of the disk from one hypervisor to another. I could redo it from scratch. Hassle to move all the logs and usage history over. This seems to be working so I'll leave it.

    It's been a few days now with proxmox. The grass isn't necessarily greener on the other side but it does support my hardware better than esxi. I only used 2 ports of the quad port nic in the 3 (4?) years I had that platform.  For my current needs 2 nics suffices. According to the ups, the new machine is drawing roughly 20 watts less. This sort of makes sense, there's 2 less pcie cards present (no hba and no nic). There's more command line interaction - steeper learning curve.

    Regarding your original issue, do you think it's possible there might be some conflicting rules (packet filter, nat, http proxy, etc), that may have been causing your issues?  Did I understand correctly that importing the old config file into a fresh install yielded a bigger mess?

  • I recently went through some similar nic headaches when migrating utm from one server to another.

    Old platform was i5 6600K, 32GB ram, esxi based using an intel quad nic card (intel i340-t4, intel 82580 based). 1 port in pci passthrough (wan), 1 vnic associated with a real nic (lan), and 1 vnic for internal vm's only, not associated with any physical nic.

    New platform amd 5800x, 64gb, x570 chipset with i211 and rtl8125 onboard nics (and 8 sata ports relevant to the nas, not utm). To mix things up a bit I decided to go to proxmox - esxi does not support the rtl8125 !@#

    Anyhow, it seemed one of the defined nics wasn't recognized. Or rather it was but wasn't....ThinkingThinking

    Turned out, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules was causing a mapping conflict.  I can't remember which ethx exactly, but deleting the existing lines allowed it to regenerate correct entries on reboot.  Nic was now recognized. I wonder if this was part of your problem too.

    Or maybe not since you said it was a completely new install from scratch.  Mine wasn't even an import, rather a migration of the disk from one hypervisor to another. I could redo it from scratch. Hassle to move all the logs and usage history over. This seems to be working so I'll leave it.

    It's been a few days now with proxmox. The grass isn't necessarily greener on the other side but it does support my hardware better than esxi. I only used 2 ports of the quad port nic in the 3 (4?) years I had that platform.  For my current needs 2 nics suffices. According to the ups, the new machine is drawing roughly 20 watts less. This sort of makes sense, there's 2 less pcie cards present (no hba and no nic). There's more command line interaction - steeper learning curve.

    Regarding your original issue, do you think it's possible there might be some conflicting rules (packet filter, nat, http proxy, etc), that may have been causing your issues?  Did I understand correctly that importing the old config file into a fresh install yielded a bigger mess?

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