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SG330 to SG450 migration - what about Logfiles?

Hello Community,

we have two SG330 Nodes with UTM version 9.705.

I want to migrate the configuration from the SG330 nodes to two new Sophos SG450 nodes to replace the SG330 cluster. 

My steps:

1. Create backup on the SG330 cluster, shutdown and remove from rack 

2. Put in SG450 nodes to rack 

3. Do a initial configuration on one of the SG450 nodes and after that restore the configuration backup of the SG330 cluster

4. Check interface cabling on SG450 node

5. Transfer important logfiles (Firewall / Webproxy) via WinSCP (from SG330 to SG450)

--> What abpout Email Quarantine Messages? 

6. Check functionality (network connections, protection modules...)

7. Connect second SG450 node to configured SG450 node (HA interface) and let them sync

8. On "UNLINKED State", connect all other network interfaces to second Sg450 node

9. Check functionality

Now i have some questions:

--> Would you copy the logfiles before restoring the configuration backup? Or after restoring the configuration backup?

--> Would you copy the logiles to both SG450 nodes? 

I think in the migreation state it does to much time to copy the files. 

--> Should i copy some email specific settings / logfiles or not? (Email Quarantine?) / SMTP Log? 

What do you mean?

Best regards


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  • Hallo Bepo,

    I think you and ThomW covered this well.  Please do come back and share yor results and any modifications to your original plan so that we can move this thread to Recommended Reads.

    I just copy everything in /var/log to the new Master only.  That includes the PostgreSQL databases with reporting.

    I connect all cables before powering up the Slave node and letting the Master sync to the Slave.

    Agreed with ThomW that the email queues seem to be in the backup, but I'm not sure about that so you will want to keep a 330 around just in case an email needs to be released from its quarantine.

    Just as a reference, here're the instructions I give to my clients for replacing a dead node.

       1. If needed, do a quick, temporary install so that the new device can download Up2Dates.
       2. Apply the Up2Dates to the same version as the current unit, do a factory reset and shutdown.
       3. On the current UTM in use, on the 'Configuration' tab of 'High Availability':
           a. Disable and then enable Hot-Standby
           b. Select eth3 as the Sync NIC
           c. Configure it as Node_1
           d. Enter an encryption key (I've never found a need to remember it)
           e. Select 'Enable automatic configuration of new devices'
           f. I prefer to use 'Preferred Master: None' and 'Backup interface: Internal'
       4. Cable eth3 to eth3 on the new device.
       5. Cable all of the other NICs exactly as they are on the original UTM.
       6. Power up the new device and wait for the good news. Wink

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hallo Bepo,

    I think you and ThomW covered this well.  Please do come back and share yor results and any modifications to your original plan so that we can move this thread to Recommended Reads.

    I just copy everything in /var/log to the new Master only.  That includes the PostgreSQL databases with reporting.

    I connect all cables before powering up the Slave node and letting the Master sync to the Slave.

    Agreed with ThomW that the email queues seem to be in the backup, but I'm not sure about that so you will want to keep a 330 around just in case an email needs to be released from its quarantine.

    Just as a reference, here're the instructions I give to my clients for replacing a dead node.

       1. If needed, do a quick, temporary install so that the new device can download Up2Dates.
       2. Apply the Up2Dates to the same version as the current unit, do a factory reset and shutdown.
       3. On the current UTM in use, on the 'Configuration' tab of 'High Availability':
           a. Disable and then enable Hot-Standby
           b. Select eth3 as the Sync NIC
           c. Configure it as Node_1
           d. Enter an encryption key (I've never found a need to remember it)
           e. Select 'Enable automatic configuration of new devices'
           f. I prefer to use 'Preferred Master: None' and 'Backup interface: Internal'
       4. Cable eth3 to eth3 on the new device.
       5. Cable all of the other NICs exactly as they are on the original UTM.
       6. Power up the new device and wait for the good news. Wink

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA