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Upgrading physical boxes from SG310 to SG330

Greetings to all!

We've recently received our new SG330 boxes, and are planning to replace our current HA SG310 cluster.    What is the easiest method of swapping out these devices and retaining the current configuration?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I simply can't find an article referencing this without the migration to the XG platform and reimaging the devices.  Any help is greatly appreciated!

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  • Hi Tom,

    if you just want to migrate from an existing SG-Appliance to a new Hardware-Revision (including Performance-Upgrade) just Backup the "old" SG310 (download the Backup-File).

    Have your Sophos Partner upgrade your License from SG310 to SG330 (maybe even apply an upgrade Key for new functionality), and get/receive the license file.
    For temporary testing your partner can generate you a time-limited demo-key.

    Then shut the old Firewall (-Cluster) down.

    Now start the first Firewall of the new Cluster (SG330) with the startup-guide provided with the new hardware.
    At the startup-procedere provide the backup of the old cluster and the new license file.

    Here you can differ in two methods beeing

    1. use a clean USB-drive (Stick) holding both files and boot the first Cluster-Node (needing a local console to agree to restore the old config)

    2. provide those files on a local computer using browser-based Upload of those files.

    That's it.

    I'm sure there is a great article here somewhere in the communnity (best-practices guide), but i haven't seen them for a while.

    btw: to my knowledge there is no live-swap for different HW-Versions


    I'm sure you will rock that.

    Have fun with your new babies :-)

    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    using Sophos UTM since Astaro ASG v7 ;-)

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