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New Hardware, not detecting correct number of CPU cores

We have upgraded the hardware that our UTM 9.705-3 runs on from 12-year old Sun boxes to new Dell PowerEdge R440 boxes.

Everything works like it used to, but it is not recognising that it is now running on a 10 core CPU:

Is there any way to get Sophos to recognise that it is running a 10 core CPU?



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  • So, an update:

    Today we did what Sophos suggested. Broke the H/A. Then re-imaged one node and applied configuration.

    After that it worked, all 10 cores and 2-threads per core were recognised:

    /home/login > lscpu
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
    Byte Order:            Little Endian
    CPU(s):                20
    On-line CPU(s) list:   0-19
    Thread(s) per core:    2
    Core(s) per socket:    10

    And GUI is showing 1 or 2% CPU usage for idle, instead of 25-35%.

    So if you use H/A to sync to new hardware, for some reason it copies across the old hardware details.

    Hope this helps someone.