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All password reset doesnt work

Hi there, i m new to sophos and tried to reset some SG Firewalls with UTM 9.5. I followed the workaround at this Link

Everything worked well, i got the " password changed" message - but after restarting the unit and try to login with new password he told me that it is the wrong Password. I've tried several times with different Password at different units....

Can anyone help me?

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  • I`ve tried on this weekend, but nothing works.

    But i noticed, that after the "password incorrect" message there comes a link "(company domain of the former user) login:". The link then disappears after a minute or so.

    Maybe this helps to solve my problem?


    Or is it possible to reinstall the OS of the sophos?

    Any suggestions are welcome!

  • I`ve tried on this weekend, but nothing works.

    But i noticed, that after the "password incorrect" message there comes a link "(company domain of the former user) login:". The link then disappears after a minute or so.

    Maybe this helps to solve my problem?


    Or is it possible to reinstall the OS of the sophos?

    Any suggestions are welcome!

  • If you are able to access the device via console ... the password procedure should work.

    Do you see the "Admin password setup screen" from article?


    Otherwise with devices SG2xx, SG3xx, SG4xx you have access to factory reset via frontpanel.

    The last option is to reinstall the system. Goto sophos webpage, load the ISO file, burn it to CD, connect a USB-CD to the device and reinstall device.



    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Hi Dirk, thank you very much. i will try with ISO file...