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Have Static IP and changing ISP. Best Practices

Hello,  I have a SG105 set up with a static public IP.  It is setup for SSL VPN client. I'm looking to change my ISP and will need a new IP address.  I've been looking for best practices or any forum posts discussing this.  I have a feeling that it is not as simple as changing the IP and moving on.  I have a feeling that it will affect the certificates and other settings.  I hope someone can help.

Thank you in advance.

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  • Hi  

    You will not require to make big changes. You will only need to change the IP address or mention it in the override hostname option (under Remote Access > SSL > Settings) in SSL VPN configuration. Once done, users will need to download the new config file and that should be it.

    If you have specified an FQDN in the override hostname option, you won't need to change anything other than your DNS record to point it to the new IP address.



  • Hi  

    You will not require to make big changes. You will only need to change the IP address or mention it in the override hostname option (under Remote Access > SSL > Settings) in SSL VPN configuration. Once done, users will need to download the new config file and that should be it.

    If you have specified an FQDN in the override hostname option, you won't need to change anything other than your DNS record to point it to the new IP address.



  • Ok.  I'm overthinking this.  Once the IP address is changed under the network card configuration, the firewall will make the appropriate changes to continue to work as before.

    For the SSL VPN clients, I just need to regenerate config files for each user to download.  

    Should I revoke and regenerate my internally create certificates before creating each SSL VPN configs?  

  • Hi  

    Yes, it would work fine. Once you change the IP address and user downloads the configuration again for SSL VPN, users should be able to connect without any issue. You do not require to make changes to internally created certificates. Feel free to post any challenges you face.

