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License limit, options?

Question for the resellers here:

I've have offered my (sysadmin) services, in my spare time, to a quite substantial open source project (

I've found that they use a Virtual UTM HA cluster (active-passive, on ESX 6.5), using a Home license. It currently has 43 active IP's listed. An extension of the number of servers in their automated build and distribution farm is on the horizon, and they want me to work on roling out IPv6. All of which is not possible with the current license.

I've checked the configuration, and all they use are Network protection and Web server protection. No email, no web, no endpoint, no wireless. So a datacenter type setup, no users behind the UTM.

What are the options, given the fact that the project is completely funded by small (average $10) donations by users of the project?

Is moving to XG Home an option? Is that on par with the features mentioned above (HA, IPv6, Network and Webserver protection, and their featureset)?

I've looked at several of your colleagues that have pricing online to get an idea of the licensing costs for the UTM (which I personally still prefer over the XG), but a 75 or 100 user license easily goes far north of $1000 a year, and that is a lot of donations to receive.

The project has several deals with other vendors regarding special pricing for non-profit organisations (which they are, although not formally registered as such, they aren't a charity), or even been given free licenses (Gitlab EE for example).

I guess Sophos doesn't have something similar that can help this project out? Any other option to be properly licensed that doesn't break the bank?

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