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UTM220 hardware query - CPU and Memory dance

Hi - I wonder if anyone can offer any insights into my problem...I've searched the forums and come up blank.

I recently acquired a 2nd hand UTM220 rev5 pretty cheaply. It's way out of warranty - and that's fine. I figured this might be OK for my home firewall, using the UTM9 home license. The appliance is in good condition and booted fine. However, the original Celeron E1500 and 2GB of RAM was a bit sluggish. So I figured upgrade the CPU, drop in 8GB memory, should work well enough. I had a few spare parts lying around - so I believed I was good to go. And I was right - sort of...

The system will take all 8GB of memory OK, but only with the original E1500 CPU. I have tried with a Q8200s and an E6850, but in each case the system doesnt even POST, not even a beep.

However if I use the original 2x1GB memory, or 2x2GB memory, the Q8200s and E6850 CPUs boot fine! If I use these CPUs and 2x4GB memory (or even 1x4GB memory), it wont boot, and I get zilch. The only indication is the system board 8-LED boot codes, to which I have no documentation.

The best config I can get working is the Q8200s with 4GB memory (which is undoubtedly an improvement), but does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this weird dance between appliance, cpu and memory?

I wondered if it could be some FSB mismatch, either built-in to the (now unsupported) Nexcom NSB 3110 board or limited in a SOPHOS customized BIOS, and I wondered if a 1066MHz FSB CPU like the Q6700 might work? (the E1500 is 800MHz FSB, and the 8200s & E6850 are 1333MHz)

Any thoughts or experiences gratefully received.

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