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UTM detection of virtual NICs in Hyper-V

I have a UTM running on Hyper-V with 2 virtual adapters, eth0 and eth1. I now have a need to add an isolated 3rd vNIC, which I've just provisioned as a new virtual switch in Hyper-V. I now understand that UTM needs to be re-installed in order for it to recognize new hardware. Ugh...painful, but okay. I backed up my config, re-installed and restored my backup. But when add a new adapter, I don't see any available interfaces for an eth2.

So I logged into the console, ran ifconfig, but I only see the two active NICs with the loopback and IPv6 tunnel adapters. The configuration of the virtual switch looks legit in Hyper-V, and has been rebooted. So I'm stuck on why UTM doesn't see it. Is there anything else I can check on the UTM side to figure out what's going on, or has anyone else experienced this before? Cheers.

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  • I wonder, after you reinstall, but before you restore your backup, would it let you pick the NIC? Maybe you will need to manually rebuild the system from screenshots. I know in XG you cannot restore a backup to a unit with more network ports, maybe this is the same limitation. Probably not what you wanted to hear huh? I could be wrong, Ive never worked with UTM yet.

  • Yeah, I did check for that during the re-install, but I only had one vNIC option available (eth1) when prompted during the external adapter setup. I chose to restore after the default config steps. My hunch is that UTM simply isn't seeing the third vNIC. IFCONFIG still doesn't show it -- though I'm not sure if it would even be listed there as available hardware, or if it's listed only after it's been assigned to an adapter..

  • Yeah, I did check for that during the re-install, but I only had one vNIC option available (eth1) when prompted during the external adapter setup. I chose to restore after the default config steps. My hunch is that UTM simply isn't seeing the third vNIC. IFCONFIG still doesn't show it -- though I'm not sure if it would even be listed there as available hardware, or if it's listed only after it's been assigned to an adapter..

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