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Gigabit Internet and Sophos - a losing combination

For the record, this is false advertising:

So now I've got to build my own box, and my only Sophos-approved point of reference is a hardware compatibility PDF that was last updated in Sept 2015.  The alternative I'm looking at is the SG 210 rev.3, and I'll be paying well over $1k for a device with a 2-core, 2-thread, 2 1/2 year-old $40 CPU.  What am I supposed to do?

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  • Douglas, thank you for the detailed reply. It will be helpful to many people, but I am already aware of the issues you raised.

    I have a symmetrical Gbps fiber connection.  The worst iperf test results were 931 down / 940 up.  One of the iperf tests came back at 960/1011.  My target was 940 Mbps, so the circuit is good.

    I understand that the UTM has some overhead too, that's why I'm building my own box.

  • Douglas, thank you for the detailed reply. It will be helpful to many people, but I am already aware of the issues you raised.

    I have a symmetrical Gbps fiber connection.  The worst iperf test results were 931 down / 940 up.  One of the iperf tests came back at 960/1011.  My target was 940 Mbps, so the circuit is good.

    I understand that the UTM has some overhead too, that's why I'm building my own box.

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