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Sophos Sg135 Routing zwischen zwei Netzen

Hallo Community,

ich habe eine ausgemustere Sophos sg135 geschenkt bekommen.
Diese betreibe ich mit einer Home Lisence.

Eth0 (Lan) ist die Interne schnittstelle

Eth1 (Wan) hat die IP Hier hängt die Fitzbox ( welche dei Einwahl ins Internet und das WLAn macht.

Auf der UTM läuft ein DHCP auf der Schnittstelle ETH1. Dieser vergibt Adressen aus dem Bereich

Auf der Fitzbox läuft kein DHCP. Die UTM ist als Expostet Host eingetragen.

Wenn sich nun ein Gerät am WLan der Fritzbox anmeldet bekommt es eine IP von der UTM aus dem oben genannten 10,10,10.xx Bereich.

Das funktioniert auch alles soweit.

Allerdings kann ich nicht vom 10.10.10.xx Netz auf die Fritzbox zugreifen wenn ich diese verwalten muss.

Genauso komme ich aus dem 10.10.10.xx nicht auf die UTM

Hie noch ein paar Screenshots der Jetzigen einstellungen

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  • Hallo Manfred,

    Herzlich willkommen hier in der Community !

    (Sorry, my German-speaking brain isn't creating thoughts at the moment. Frowning2)

    I concur with Dirk that your explanation seems to be missing an important detail or two.  A hand-drawn picture of your network topology would help.

    Also, you don't say what you're seeing to conclude that it's a routing problem.  I suspect you would find that the traffic is being blocked in the firewall log.

    In addition, your list of firewall rules seems unusual.  I would start by having all rules logged for a period when your networks are active.  I bet you would see that some rules are redundant/unused.

    You're accustomed to configuring the FB, so the UTM's powerful approach to configuration requires letting go of some of the FB "habits."  WebAdmin is a GUI that manipulates databases of objects and settings.  A single change there can cause the Configuration Daemon to rewrite hundreds of lines of the code used to run the UTM.  You might find Rulz enlightening.

    MfG - Bob (Bitte auf Deutsch weiterhin.)

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hallo Manfred,

    Herzlich willkommen hier in der Community !

    (Sorry, my German-speaking brain isn't creating thoughts at the moment. Frowning2)

    I concur with Dirk that your explanation seems to be missing an important detail or two.  A hand-drawn picture of your network topology would help.

    Also, you don't say what you're seeing to conclude that it's a routing problem.  I suspect you would find that the traffic is being blocked in the firewall log.

    In addition, your list of firewall rules seems unusual.  I would start by having all rules logged for a period when your networks are active.  I bet you would see that some rules are redundant/unused.

    You're accustomed to configuring the FB, so the UTM's powerful approach to configuration requires letting go of some of the FB "habits."  WebAdmin is a GUI that manipulates databases of objects and settings.  A single change there can cause the Configuration Daemon to rewrite hundreds of lines of the code used to run the UTM.  You might find Rulz enlightening.

    MfG - Bob (Bitte auf Deutsch weiterhin.)

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA