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Sophos UTM HA failover and Stacked Cisco Switches | Cisco loses connection to Sophos after a failover

Hello Community,

I hope someone could point me to the right direction on this.

My setup:

Two Sophos UTM SG210 running HA active/passive
Two Cisco Stacked switches doing inter-vlan routing.
I have a LAG (two ports) on the UTM, and I have a LAG (4 ports) on the stacked cisco switches
I am routing all vlans in the Cisco out of a layer 3 LAG interface ( connected to the LAG interface ( on the Sophos. 


Everything is working fine except when there's a failover on the Sophos, I lost connection from the UTM to the Cisco, and I would have to delete and re-create the LAG on the Cisco for connection to establish again. I understand in the post (referenced below) an engineer suggested to create two LAGs on the Cisco, but my question is, If I have two LAGs on the Cisco, how would I configure IP address and routing on the second LAG to route traffic to the Sophos?

Here's the post with same issue as mine:

Thank you in advance for your help.

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  • Hello,

    first - you need 2 LAG Groups - at the cisco switches. Every LAG-Group may/should be distributed over the 2 Switches within the stack.

    One UTM to one Cisco-LAG-Group (so you have only one LAG at configured at SG) -

    Both LAG-Groups has the same configuration at the cisco switches.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Hi Dirk,

    In terms of configurations for each LAG groups at the Cisco, how should they be configured? I prefer to do layer 3 (no switch port with IP address because I don’t like to deal with spanning tree), but the problem with this is, I can’t have the same IP subnet across two same switch ports (LAG groups). 

    So, does that mean I have to use SVI and configure each LAG group as trunk ports?

    Thank you.

  • I can’t have the same IP subnet across two same switch ports (LAG groups). 

    Sure ... i do this every week. Both LAG - Interfaces can resist within the same VLAN / Subnet...
    A LAG-Port works like a physical port.
    (can contain different vlans and these vlans IP-Interfaces)
    And i don't configure L3 at the switch. ... if possible.
    The design-question is, should the switch be the router between your LAN-segments (1) or the firewall (2),
    (1) - you configure only one vlan/interface at the firewall an use a transfer-subnet to the switch, which takes care of the remaining routing tasks
    (2) - the LAG contains all VLANS and there are no IP'interfaces at the switch (except the management-IP). All routing is done by the firewall.    
    (1)-(2) it is possible to mix variant 1 and 2

    PS: at the switch you don't configure IP’s on top of physical interfaces (or LAGs) directly..?


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Hi Dirk,

    Thank you for your reply.

    My prefer design is [1] - the switch be the router between my LAN-segnments. 

    Could you confirm if the below is correct?

    - At the Sophos, I configure an "Ethernet VLAN" interface (let's say,, Vlan 5)

    - At the Cisco, I configure a VLAN interface IP (or SVI) (let's say,, Vlan 5)

    - At the Cisco, I configure a default route to send all VLAN-segments traffic to the Sophos via the Sophos's "Etherent VLAN" interface, 10.10.01

    Finally, do I need to worry about looping or spanning tree for the traffic going back and forth between the switch and the Sophos?

    Thank you.

  • Finally, do I need to worry about looping or spanning tree for the traffic going back and forth between the switch and the Sophos?

    no , it is a point-to-point connection.

    - At the Cisco, I configure a VLAN interface IP (or SVI) (let's say,, Vlan 5)

    - and you add the 2 LAG-intervaces to this VLAN.

    I configure a default route to send all VLAN-segments traffic to the Sophos via the Sophos's "Etherent VLAN" interface, 10.10.0

    - correct, and you configure one or some routes at the sophos for the LAN-Segments to gateway


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Hi Dirk,

    For this design, is it a requirement (or best practice) that the Sophos' interface be an "Ethernet VLAN" interface? Would this work if I just create an "Ethernet" interface? My understanding is that I would only create "Ethernet VLAN" interface at the Sophos if I want the Sophos to do the vlan-segments routing (like router-on-stick design).

    Thank you.

  • Mostly I use VLAN interfaces because i am able to switch other VLAN's to this interface too.

    So i am able to change the deep of Network segmentation without big disruptions.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Thanks. I will give this a try and let you know how it goes.

  • I want to report that it works great. Fail-over and fail-back now do not disconnect the switch's connection.

    Much thanks to Dirk. Appreciate your assistance, sir.Cancel

  • Thanks for your feedback.

    Please acknowledge the best answer(s).


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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