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Request for a Roadmap from Sophos for further UTM Development

Since development seems to stall right now on the UTM I would like to ask Sophos for a roadmap for their current UTM 9.x 

Most Important would be an official answer to: - Has Sophos stopped further development of the UTM and put it in maintance mode (security patches only) ? Will there be a 9.6? I dont want information about any XG stuff, i know you promote it as the future of UTM but its not there yet. So please stop trying to advertise it to me for now.

In the past features like lets encrypt and proper ipv6 implementation have been requested. 

If you look at the TOP features requested you'll notice there are some clever things asked:

I would add:

- FIX Communication with the community on current development / roadmap of UTM. Most of us are PAYING customers in a corporate enviroment trying to plan out the next 3 years (or more)

- FIX IPv6 Implementation, redo the current system in place. There are requests all over the place (Not working at all, only working on moonlight, Having to Set up FW Rules to allow Site2Site over V6 wtf)

- Remove IPv6 to count as additional protected IPs. 50 IP Home users and corporate are quickly running out of IPs to protect because devices "block" up to 4 IPs due to IPv6 enabled

- Ability to create Virtual Interfaces for Routing Purposes

- Add Vxlan Support (you CAN use it via CLI)

- Add AES-NI Support for RED and OpenVPN Tunnels (OpenVPN supports this!!!, not sure how it would be handled with RED)

- Update Application Database for Application Control

- UPDATE AND FIX Dyndns Implementation. Also give us the Ability to use DynDNS on additional IPv6 Adresses that might get change via ipv6 renumbering.

- Give Ability to do OpenVPN with 3rd Party without needing community provides scripts to convert vpn configurations

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  • At least the hardware is still developing on both sides of the force. ;-)

    Got a newsletter from Sophos today announcing a new rev. for SG/XG 125 + 135 with a SFP-port (e.g. for DSL modems) and a module slot (looks like a smaller flexiport) with 3G/4G modem (sim card slot). Especially the 3G/4G thing looks very interesting to me, alternatively a SG/XG135 can be extended with 2 additional WLAN antennas in that module slot.

    Oh and like the newer 2.x rev3's it has support for redundant power supply.

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner

  • For those who wants to read the road map in English ... seems to be a Sophos reseller.  So take the road map with a grain of salt ... UTM 9.6 should have been the "Plan B" almost 2 years ago now, but IKEv2 being absent, it makes the plan "B" irrational.  And knowing what is going on with XG VPN, we can only be cautious (to be polite) regarding what will happen to UTM VPN then. They might have the idea to go with for that too.  Tool to upgrade from SG to XG ???  Questionable to say the least. If you are doing what you need to do, dont't rush to XG.  Sophos anti-spam is a cost cutting measure.  Used to be good, but have been seriously de-rated by and other serious AV survey web sites.  Here:  I am not sure what distinction Sophos is making now between Avira and Sophos engine.  In any case, Avira always score better.  Sophos always scores worse than Microsoft.  That gives you an idea.

    Real best news in there concerns access points.  There, gains look substantial.

    Paul Jr 

  • new roadshow photos (public on facebook) show Sophos UTM 9.6 in a photo :-) so it seems to exist?


    BETA please :-)


    Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer

  • Unfortunately no info given about time scedule.

    Will 9.6 happen Q1/2018 or Q3/2019


    "To put it mildly, it seemed like it was taken over from last year. Or to put it another way, promises made in 2016 and 2017 should be implemented and adhered to this year."

    "Etwas gelinde ausgedrückt schien es so, als wurde diese vom letzten Jahr noch einmal übernommen. Oder anders formuliert sollen nun Versprechen von 2016 und 2017 in diesem Jahr umgesetzt und eingehalten werden."

  • I'd certainly be interested in the 3/4G SG or RED. We have vehicles that VPN back to our SG330's. Price would have to be right though as we're currently doing it for £400 (one off cost) a vehicle.