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Been running a UTM 9 for over a year at home, and suddenly I'm getting an error when downloading that cannot be resolved.


Anybody else getting this?

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  • We have been getting the same thing here. Hope they come up with a solution for this soon. We have testing going on here in the schools and luckily all the teachers are preoccupied with that and not needing to login to get to certain sites.

    Hoping it will be working soon before they are done with testing and back doing their same old thing....


  • We have been getting the same thing here. Hope they come up with a solution for this soon. We have testing going on here in the schools and luckily all the teachers are preoccupied with that and not needing to login to get to certain sites.

    Hoping it will be working soon before they are done with testing and back doing their same old thing....


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