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Looking to learn how to configure my firewall. Details in thread

I've been using a UTM server for a couple years now, but it's always been configured by my friend who has an IT background. I just feel like a burden to him whenever I have a problem that needs resolved, and I feel frustrated because I cannot fix it.

As an example of what I need to configure: I play Overwatch, and for some reason the in game voice feature is being blocked, I need to figure out how to white list that part as I can speak in game if I just hook up straight to my modem.

I have access to the web admin section of my UTM of course, I just don't know what to do. Is there any resources I can study? I'm sorry for such a newbie question, I just need to pull my head out of the sand and take control of my server instead of relying on a good friend and pestering him. Thanks in advance.

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