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Migrate to XG thoughts?

Hi, I've been a UTM8-9 user for years and love it. I just purchased an XG210 for a remote office and it came pre-loaded with the XG OS.

I have not played around with the XG OS at all, now that XG is a few years old, is it finally mature enough and "worth" (Added performance, security features, etc) migrating to, or just stick to UTM and save the hassle of learning a new OS? 

Just curious on users thoughts who have played around with both. Thanks for the input :)

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  • I tested it a couple of months ago and wasn't happy with it. Prepare to configure everything again from scratch (no upgrade path) and have features lacking.

    It looks very lovely and polished on the cover but it's simply not there yet as a UTM9 replacement. Of course, everyone's mileage will vary based on what functionality you use; I couldn't bridge a LAG group or VLAN from memory.

  • I tested it a couple of months ago and wasn't happy with it. Prepare to configure everything again from scratch (no upgrade path) and have features lacking.

    It looks very lovely and polished on the cover but it's simply not there yet as a UTM9 replacement. Of course, everyone's mileage will vary based on what functionality you use; I couldn't bridge a LAG group or VLAN from memory.

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