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How's UTM 9.5 so far?

Hey everyone! please feel free to share your experience and insights in the new release firmware of Sophos, base on your testing/s, deployment, etc


Appreciate it a lot. 






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  • Random issues - our SSL VPN config (ovpn) files for using with Tunnelblick on Macs no longer import into Tunnelblick.  It seems that due to us having an apostrophe in our organisation's name that the Tunnelblick won't import.  Remove the apostrophe on one specific line and it's fine (it's in the file in a few other places without issue).

    The ovpn file works fine with OpenVPN works fine on Windows.

    NFI, have logged a support ticket

  • JonRhoades said:

    Random issues - our SSL VPN config (ovpn) files for using with Tunnelblick on Macs no longer import into Tunnelblick.  It seems that due to us having an apostrophe in our organisation's name that the Tunnelblick won't import.  Remove the apostrophe on one specific line and it's fine (it's in the file in a few other places without issue).

    The ovpn file works fine with OpenVPN works fine on Windows.

    NFI, have logged a support ticket


    I have the same problem, someone has solved it?

  • After extensive back and forth with tech support... Apparently the developers washed their hands of the issue and said whilst they provided ovpn files, they only really supported the official Sophos (PC only) VPN client.  We have to manually edit the file every time we setup a new Mac.  Not impressed.

  • After extensive back and forth with tech support... Apparently the developers washed their hands of the issue and said whilst they provided ovpn files, they only really supported the official Sophos (PC only) VPN client.  We have to manually edit the file every time we setup a new Mac.  Not impressed.
