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can not log into Webadmin, REST API disabled


When is start the browser and try to log into https://ip_of_utm:4444/ the UTM responds with: REST API Disabled. Enable in WebAdmin Settings > REST API.

How can i circumvent this? The WebAdmin is not acessible for me anymore.

Is there a possibility to do this from CLI?


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  • Just to be clear, I am able to login at the console while the HTTP api is up.  I am also able to access the REST API at https://sophos-ip/api.  I'm trying to live log httpd and system messages and will post once it stops responding.

  • Same issue here. Had to hard reboot.

    Also if related (not the first time this other issue occurred with Sophos UTM). I had a continuous ping running both to my ISPs gateway and, both responding. After hard reboot of Sophos UTM these are showing from my PC Request Timed Out. Other times where the UTM has broken in someway or needed a hard reboot this has also occurred. Does anyone know why? I support a whole heap of other firewalls at work such as Watchguard & Cisco ASAs and I don't see anything like this ever. I have checked the Firewall Live Log and IPS Live Log and nothing being blocked. I had a quick look at the "all logs" type section - do people really expect me to look through like 50 different logs? Like on a Watchguard I open one window and see every single thing being logged, is there not the same thing on Sophos?

  • I found that the issue was a corrupted file system.  I logged in at the console and ran fsck and then rebooted.  I had to repeat this once to clear all the errors.  It's been running fine for several days now.

    If you're going to try this, back up your configuration first, so that worst-case you can re-install from scratch.  I've had issues running FSCK on a mounted root file system in the past.

  • Same issue again today, have updated multiple times since the last time.

    This is just me using it at home... Never had this much issue with any other device, was thinking about bringing Sophos UTM up as an idea at work... Not a chance now.

    Sophos official answer - restart the web service? Not fixed for multiple updates now... really?

  • My issue came back after a few days.  Seems to be related to the logging system, and clearing all the logs from the WebAdmin seems to have helped.  I've been up for several days now with no recurrence.