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High Availability Log Entries since 9.407

Hello Community,

as i have just received this question the 5th time already in two days i think i should inform you all about a message

that is now turning up in the HA Logs.

repctl[xxxxx]: [i] recheck(986): got ALRM / got HUP: replication recheck triggered Setup_replication_done = 1

This message is neither a Warning nor, as it might seem, an Alarm in the sense of "problems are here".

The message simply is the logged version of the HA telling us "hey i checked if something has changed on the master" and that the check is done.

If there would be changes, the same process would trigger a replication of the recent changes accordingly.

It has been logged before, but turns up now since we adjusted the log level of HA.


So nothing to worry if there aren't other messages popping up together with it.


Hope this clarifies it for some people.



T.Minneker - German Support

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