Apparently the "get_objects_filtered" command recently was disabled at the command line. Does anyone know the replacement?
Cheers - Bob
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# get_objects_filtered work-alike
# v. 20141223-poc-1
# Proof of Concept, not for production use
# PoC (has warnings)
#use warnings;
use strict;
use Astaro::ConfdPlRPC;
use Data:[[[:D]]]umper;
$Data:[[[:D]]]umper::Terse = 1;
my $confd = Astaro::ConfdPlRPC->new or die 'connect failed';
$confd->lock or die 'lock failed';
for $_ (@{ $confd->get_objects() or die 'get failed'}) {
# PoC, blind eval from command line
if (eval @ARGV[0]) {
print Data:[[[:D]]]umper->Dump([$_], []);
exit 0;
test:/root/pl # perl '$_->{data}->{address} eq ""'
'lock' => 'global',
'ref' => 'REF_NetworkLocalhost',
'data' => {
'name' => 'Localhost',
'resolved' => 1,
'hostnames' => [],
'reverse_dns' => 0,
'resolved6' => 1,
'address6' => '::1',
'comment' => 'Loopback interface address',
'interface' => '',
'address' => '',
'macs' => [],
'duids' => []
'class' => 'network',
'type' => 'host',
'hidden' => 1,
'autoname' => 0,
'nodel' => ''