I had the same question: "Is there anyway to export the hosts definitions list?", but in my case it was for backup porpuses (I know there is the options to backup configuration in UTM, but not for only hosts entries). If there are anyway to do so I would be happy to know Bob.
Olá Antonio and welcome to the UTM Community!
It's not clear to me what you're hoping to gain. Do you only want a spreadsheet of host definitions and the related IP for each? You can generate a list of names of the hosts and then the related IPs with the following two commands:
cc get_objects network host |grep \'name\'
cc get_objects network host |grep \'address\'
Cheers - Bob
Bob, those commands help me, but what I want to achieve is to backup all hosts definitions saved in UTM, including their IP addresses, Name, MAC adresses, Hostname, IPv4 DHCP and DNS and details for each host. I know those information is in the ABF BackUp file, but in UTM we know that there is no otion to BackUp only the host information (this question is largely discussed in this forum). So, I hope I was clear enough, if you could help I will be glad.
What is the purpose of being able to backup and restore hosts, Antonio?
Cheers - Bob
I want the backup of the hosts to be done separately, in that way I could restore that backup also separately, in case of a problem, for example if I need to install a second UTM with all configurations different from the first one (Network, Firewall, NAT and so on), and want to restore the same hosts to it, this function would be useful. But for now it is for backup purposes, as we have already experienced cases of losing host records on the UTM after upgrades. Some solutions already have this option, like PfSense Firewall.
"if I need to install a second UTM with all configurations different from the first one (Network, Firewall, NAT and so on), and want to restore the same hosts to it"
you might want to consider the free UTM Manager package, Antonio. You could configure only network objects (Networks, Hosts, DNS Hosts, DNS Groups, etc.) on it. Then, simply configure the UTM to use the configurations from the UTM Manager. For future additions, if you want an object to appear in every UTM attached o the UTM Manager, add the object to the Manager. If it should be unique to one device, configure on that device.
"we have already experienced cases of losing host records on the UTM after upgrades"
I've not seen this particular issue, but there has always been a danger of an Up2Date "breaking" a configuration. My guess is that in fewer than 1 in 1000 installations, the Up2Date process runs into a particular combination that causes a problem. Most of the time, just restoring the backup made automatically before the Up2Dates were applied will fix any issues.
Cheers - Bob