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I have L2TP over IPsec VPN setup on our SG125W firewall and it's not the best as it adds a lot of overhead to the user's connection experience. So searched around on the internet and found this article for setting up SSL VPN using a RAIDUS server; since our RAIDUS server is already in place setting this up was quite easy. The only change I made was to make the portal accessible only locally and not externally.  Part of the reason for this is we don't have a public SSL Certificate in our SG125W, and we didn't want to open port 443 to the internet in case there was vulnerability issue.

My question now is if I switch everyone over to SSL VPN can I turn off the L2TP over IPsec firewall rules? I am asking this because I don't see any rules on the Firewall or NAT settings for the SSL VPN. 


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