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Activate Evaluation before License becomes valid?

Hi Community,

i have a customer who's replacing his UTM with a SFOS firewall, however the license for the networ protection is not yet valid, but the firewall should be working ASAP, could i go ahead and activate the evaluations until the License becomes valid or is it going to overwrite the already inserted license key ?

I also read that you could import the utm firewall license, but that doenst seem to be working anymore? only when first installing the sfos firewall.



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  • So essentially your Booking was incorrect. The Asset is valid Sep 06. You can contact Customer Care to get this replaced and pushed earlier. 

    You cannot import a UTM License to SFOS in General.

    Only if you use the current SG Hardware and want to migrate the current myUTM License on the SG Hardware. It does not work for XG/XGS Hardware. 


  • What if they don't do it, could i still go ahead and activate the evaluation licenses? 

  • Sure - You can activate a Trial 


  • And it also wouldn't overwrite the inserted not yet valid key? So if the trial ends, the bought license becomes active, right?

  • So: SFOS can only use one subscription at the time. 

    Purchased > Trial. 
    But both can exists at the same time. 

    If you have a Trial and Purchased valid for the same time - Purchased will be shown. 

    If the trial expires, nothing happen, as the Purchase is used. 

    If purchase expire and a trial is also valid, Trial will be shown. 
