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When is Transparent Webfilter applied? Understanding Webfilter in UTM

Hello everyone,

I have a Problem regarding Webfiltering in the UTM that absolutely eludes me.

Small Business, Small UTM with latest Firmware-Update.

We have 2 Networks. One which is allowed for Internet and one which isn't.

The Internet-Network has a Firewallrule to Internet allowed for HTTP/HTTPS
Additionaly it is in the allowed Networks for Web Filtering (Transparent). It only uses the Base Policy for Filtering.

The Offline-Network has no such Firewall rule and isn't part of the allowed networks. Should be blocked. Now we need to open the firewall a little for this network to install Windows Updates.
For this we have a Firewall rule to open traffice to WindowsUpdate-Servers with HTTP/HTTPS.

I had to troubleshoot this, because Windows Updates could not be downloaded.

After a along time, I made it work by adding the Offline Network to "Skip Transparent Mode Source Hosts/Nets" in the Misc - Filtering Options from Webfilter

Now i wonder. How is this possible??
When i tried the Policy Helpdesk, it said, that it was blocked due to not beeing in the Allowed Network list. So I assume, the offline-network should not be affected by webfiltering at all, but only by Firewallrules. How is it, that I need to put them in the webfilter sourc-ip-exceptions, for windows update to work.

I would greatly appreciate it, if someone might shed light to this.

Thanks in Advance


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