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Nat on static route in the same network

Hi all.

I create a static route of GW type to redirect local traffic goint to UTM (which is the network default GW) to another GW which take care of VPNs. Problem is that the redirected traffic is natted with the UTM IP instead of keeping the original one as the machines are in the same network.

How to avoid this behavior ? Version is UTM 9.707-5

Thanks for any hint


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  • Dirk, in original post I explain the setup: UTM is default GW for the LAN. Inside the LAN I have a VM which take care on dhcp/DNS/VPNs/... In dhcp config (dnsmasq) I set option 121 static route to send IP of the VM as GW for networks behind VPNs. But some devices doesn't use dhcp so they send the traffic to UTM which will forward it to the GW: and bam, Natted IP. More clear ? ;)

  • ok, but you should use static routes at the SG and not a default gateway entry at the lan interface ...

    ... and I think there must be such a def.GW-Entry at the LAN Interface, because this move the interface to the "uplink-interfaces" 


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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