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Notifications of Global Verification CA expiration.

I started receiving notification on certificate expiration.
I found out it is DST Root CA X3 global verification CA.
I disabled this certificate, but still receive notifications.

How to delete this certificate correctly as there is no delete option in WebAdmin interface.

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  • Thanks for reporting back, Max!

    There was a problem with sites using an HTTPS certificate signed by the "ISRG Root X1" CA.  In the Americas, this was fixed on 9/30 and probably on 10/1 in the rest of the world.  My lab in Oklahoma and our UTM instance in AWS were both updated about 22:40, so I suspect your UTM was also updated.

    It was still necessary for me to restart the Proxy. You can disable/enable Web Filtering in WebAdmin or run the following command as root:

         /var/mdw/scripts/httpproxy restart

    If you're in the Americas and you want to see if your UTM was updated:

         zgrep 'package="cadata"' /var/log/up2date/2021/09/up2date-2021-09-30.log.gz

    In the rest of the world, I suspect it would be:

         zgrep 'package="cadata"' /var/log/up2date/2021/10/up2date-2021-10-01.log.gz

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA