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Connecting L2TP/IPSec from Ubuntu

I was trying to follow the steps similar to this page, to set up the VPN connection. I could get IPSec up but not the L2TP somehow.

In the xl2tpd log, it just showed,

 7月 26 20:15:20 kotai-ws-2 xl2tpd[4058918]: Connecting to host, port 1701
 7月 26 20:15:51 kotai-ws-2 xl2tpd[4058918]: Maximum retries exceeded for tunnel 40780.  Closing.
 7月 26 20:15:51 kotai-ws-2 xl2tpd[4058918]: Connection 0 closed to, port 1701 (Timeout)
 7月 26 20:16:22 kotai-ws-2 xl2tpd[4058918]: Unable to deliver closing message for tunnel 40780. Destroying anyway.

I ran a "ike-scan" and got these "SA=(Enc=3DES Hash=SHA1 Group=2:modp1024 Auth=PSK LifeType=Seconds LifeDuration=28800)". So I guess in unlike the link I pasted above, I should use 3des-sha1-modp1024, but I'm not so sure about the L2TP.

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

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