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Is the 50 ip limit contemporary?

I'm very happy to use the utm 9 solution,

but the 50 IP limit in the context of dual stack IPv4 / 6 and cloud-based IoT devices can be very small.

I asked Sophos Customer Services for pricing and they referred me to your sales partner, who also referred to the fact that he was only B2B but at least told me a price. It is not possible to get a license for my home.

But in case I started a "business" to buy a 100 ips license, I can't afford the fee.

I love my SG 115 (might be replaced by an 230 in the next months) and even more the virtual appliance and I am very pleased about your home license offer.

I'm not really going to switch to things like cascadet nat boxes or pfsence alternatives or anything like that.

But please can you upgrade a home / private license to 100 addresses?

Or could you offer a paid +50 Ips home / private license?

Kind regards from my craftbasement

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  • Hallo Dirk, 

    ich fühle mich nach dem testen der XG vollumfänglich verarscht ... 
    Das Webinterface lässt es zu ipv6 dhcpv& over pppoe zu aktivieren,
    aber auf der Platform scheint das nicht implemtiert zu sein ...
    Im XG Forum findet man auch nur einen Haufen "bitte bitte" Post
    dass SOPHOS doch bitte v6 over pppoe imlemtieren mag

    Die Konfiguration und Features der UTM sind Welten besser ...

    Die XG ist damit faktisch unbrauchbar,
    und dass 50 IP Limit meiner ursprünglich Diskussionsbeitrages bleibt bestehen
    ... es scheint überholt !

  • Sophos XG can use static IPv6 ip addresses on WAN. But does not have DHCPv6-PD. That feature is missing. Most "customers" in the home segments still use their ISP for modem option and give the IPv4 address or IPv6 address to the XG. 


  • Hi LuCar Toni,
    thank you for your confirmation.