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L2TP/IPSec VPN Connection Error UTM9

I have several users set up to use SSL VPN, which works great.

I am playing with the native Win 10 VPN because I would like to implement VPN before logon for several users.

I have the L2TP/IPSEC VPN profile set up in the UTM and I'm testing with 1 user - authenticating locally.

On the Win 10 machine I'm gettng an error that the network connection between the computer and the VPN server was interrupted.   This can be caused by a problem in the VPN transmission and is commonly the result of latency, etc. etc.

Internet speeds on either end are not an issue.  

I am watching the firewall logs and, despite this user being included in the automatic firewall log that was created by the SSL VPN setup, I can see packets from his IP on 443 and 1723 being dropped.  

I've read a bunch of stuff on how to set this type of VPN up, but am stumped.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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