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Script to enable LDAPS in seconds



Run the powershell script and set LDAP SSL option on port 636 and it works. I only changed the fixed domain name to dynamic. It just reads the domain name where the script is running.

I tested it on Microsoft Server 2019 but should work on most Server versions.

If you want to set-and-forget just schedule this script just before the expiration date of the certificate. The script runs just a few seconds :-)



#$domain_name = ""

$domain = Get-ADDomain

$domain_name = $domain.DNSRoot

$dns_name = $env:computername + '.' + $domain_name;

$mycert=New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $dns_name -CertStoreLocation cert:/LocalMachine/My;

$thumbprint=($mycert.Thumbprint | Out-String).Trim();


if (!(Test-Path $certStoreLoc)){
New-Item $certStoreLoc -Force;

Copy-Item -Path HKLM:/Software/Microsoft/SystemCertificates/My/Certificates/$thumbprint -Destination $certStoreLoc;


P.S. Setting the option LDAP to ACTIVE DIRECTORY here is working aswell...

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