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Utm9 Two Dİfferent Ip Pools Doesn't Communİcate



I have two different dhcp pools, normally two of them are communicating and there is no problem here. But when I connect to a point outside my ip computer with a different VPN, I can connect to block 192.168.1, but I cannot connect to block 192.168.2.


What am I supposed to do about it? thank you for your help.

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Parents Reply
  • With VPN you got a new default gateway ( with a better metric than the old GW.

    So your traffic to is send to the tunnel.

    a possible solution is a manual route ...

    route add mask


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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