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Root partition 90% full

UTM 9.510-5 on a dedicated server with 300 Gig hard drive.

I'm getting alerts that the root disk is at 90%.  UTM updates are failing because of lack of disk space.

I read the threads on here about this and found that pgsql was at 1.6 Gigs, so I ran postgressql92 rebuild and that shrunk it.

I also deleted the /var/storage/cores from years ago.


To my surprise, df -h STILL reports exactly the same usage.  Not one byte different.

Filesystem                        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6                         5.2G  4.4G  514M  90% /
udev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /dev
tmpfs                             3.9G   76K  3.9G   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1                         331M   16M  295M   5% /boot
/dev/sda5                         115G  4.4G  104G   5% /var/storage
/dev/sda7                         150G  233M  142G   1% /var/log
/dev/sda8                         6.1G   88M  5.7G   2% /tmp
/dev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /var/storage/chroot-clientlessvpn/dev
tmpfs                             3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /var/sec/chroot-httpd/dev/shm
/dev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-openvpn/dev
/dev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-ppp/dev
/dev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-pppoe/dev
/dev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-pptp/dev
/dev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-pptpc/dev
/dev                              3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-restd/dev
tmpfs                             3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /var/storage/chroot-reverseproxy/dev/shm
/var/storage                      115G  4.4G  104G   5% /var/sec/chroot-snmp/var/storage
/var/log                          150G  233M  142G   1% /var/sec/chroot-snmp/var/log
/var/storage/chroot-smtp/spool    115G  4.4G  104G   5% /var/sec/chroot-httpd/var/spx/spool
/var/storage/chroot-smtp/spx      115G  4.4G  104G   5% /var/sec/chroot-httpd/var/spx/public/images/spx
tmpfs                             3.9G  108K  3.9G   1% /var/storage/chroot-smtp/tmp/ram
tmpfs                             3.9G   67M  3.8G   2% /var/storage/chroot-http/tmp
/var/sec/chroot-afc/var/run/navl  5.2G  4.4G  514M  90% /var/storage/chroot-http/var/run/navl


I ran du -shx * | sort -rh | head

pgsql shrunk to 36K.

Still out of disk space.  The only big file I could find was swapfile, taking 4 gigs.

if I go to /var/sec/chroot-afc/var/run/navl, all I see is a "socket" file.

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  • So I see this:

    /var/sec/chroot-afc/var/run/navl   5411204 4593784    519500  90% /var/storage/chroot-http/var/run/navl

    then I go there cd /var/sec/chroot-afc/var/run/navl

    basil:/var/sec/chroot-afc/var/run/navl # du -shx * | sort -rh | head
    0       sync.sock


    I do not understand what this means.

  • Now we are up to 91%.  I guess in a few days the disk will be 100% full and our network will be down.

    So, in desperation, I'm going to try disabling swap.

    Any suggestions?

  • I'm puzzled.  Why is there even a swapfile?  For a HD that big, I'd expect a swap partition to be present, not a swapfile.  Was that somehow created  without understanding swapping?  What does:

    'free -m'

    tell you?

    where is the swapfile?  It's entirely possible this is detritus from something else, in which case you can recover that space by deleting the swapfile entirely, since it wouldn't be in use.

  • Even more puzzling to me, the date on the swapfile is 2014.

    basil:/var/storage # free -m
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:          7915       7009        906        130        328       3346
    -/+ buffers/cache:       3334       4581
    Swap:         4095          0       4095


    basil:/var/storage # cat /proc/swaps
    Filename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority
    /dev/sda2                               partition       1048572 0       -1
    /var/storage/swapfile                   file            3145724 0       -2


    basil:/var/storage # ll swapfile
    -rw-r----- 1 root root 3221225472 Jul 14  2014 swapfile

  • What release is this?  I am running 9.6 flavor, and /etc/fstab:

    LABEL=swap swap swap sw 0 0

    and fdisk:

    /dev/sda1   *        2048      718847      358400   83  Linux
    /dev/sda2          718848     9107455     4194304   82  Linux swap / Solaris <=== this guy!
    /dev/sda3         9107456    12253183     1572864   83  Linux
    /dev/sda4        12253184   125044735    56395776    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
    /dev/sda5        12253185    54450176    21098496   83  Linux
    /dev/sda6        54450178    65714176     5631999+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda7        65714178   121059328    27672575+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda8       121059330   124057600     1499135+  83  Linux

    What does yours look like?

  • UTM 9.510-5.  I disabled swap and deleted the 4 gig file.  The disk is still full.


    basil:/etc # cat /etc/fstab
    # written by Astaro Installer

    UUID=7e646bbe-5bda-44e5-ab6a-02eb42d838fc /boot ext4 defaults,ro,noatime 1 2
    LABEL=swap swap swap sw 0 0
    UUID=d82667eb-6173-4935-82b1-6069bdba1da7 /opt/inst ext4 defaults,noauto,noatime 1 2
    UUID=00441eaa-8b47-4aa4-bccb-8d410612ac0d /var/storage ext4 defaults,noatime 1 2
    UUID=745bb822-b438-4f62-a642-9cbc954283e3 / ext4 defaults,noatime 1 1
    UUID=88b9c9dc-bdc5-4a0c-8ac1-a4082dc20175 /var/log ext4 defaults,noatime 1 2
    UUID=0c6af323-18b6-4ea9-b418-27d67da36d74 /tmp ext4 defaults,noatime 1 2

    none /proc proc defaults
    devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=0620
    proc /proc proc noauto
    sysfs /sys sysfs noauto
    usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs noauto
    debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs noauto

    # /var/storage/swapfile swap    swap    defaults        0       0


    basil:/etc # df -h

    Filesystem                        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda6                         5.2G  4.4G  502M  90% /
    udev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /dev
    tmpfs                             3.9G   76K  3.9G   1% /dev/shm
    /dev/sda1                         331M   16M  295M   5% /boot
    /dev/sda5                         115G  2.1G  106G   2% /var/storage
    /dev/sda7                         150G  271M  142G   1% /var/log
    /dev/sda8                         6.1G   87M  5.7G   2% /tmp
    /dev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /var/storage/chroot-clientlessvpn/dev
    tmpfs                             3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /var/sec/chroot-httpd/dev/shm
    /dev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-openvpn/dev
    /dev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-ppp/dev
    /dev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-pppoe/dev
    /dev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-pptp/dev
    /dev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-pptpc/dev
    /dev                              3.9G   84K  3.9G   1% /var/sec/chroot-restd/dev
    tmpfs                             3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /var/storage/chroot-reverseproxy/dev/shm
    /var/storage/chroot-smtp/spool    115G  2.1G  106G   2% /var/sec/chroot-httpd/var/spx/spool
    /var/storage/chroot-smtp/spx      115G  2.1G  106G   2% /var/sec/chroot-httpd/var/spx/public/images/spx
    tmpfs                             3.9G  108K  3.9G   1% /var/storage/chroot-smtp/tmp/ram
    tmpfs                             3.9G   68M  3.8G   2% /var/storage/chroot-http/tmp
    /var/sec/chroot-afc/var/run/navl  5.2G  4.4G  502M  90% /var/storage/chroot-http/var/run/navl

  • Might need to reboot?  I would seriously consider reinstalling with 9.6.x to have a proper swap partition...

  • I would reinstall, also just a thought but you could turn logging off on some rules to help minimize the amount of data being used in the next couple days, may by you some time?  Just a thought though.





  • It has been rebooted, no change.

    I am considering reinstalling.

    I'm very concerned though, this is in use 24x7 by my family and extended family.  I spent years tweaking and configuring.

    I don't want to lose anything.

  • If you back up the config to a file on your PC, you should be able to restore it with no problems under the newer firmware (going backwards is not supported...)