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IPv6 Prefix Delegation over PPPoE

Hi there!
I am trying to get IPv6 working on my UTM9.
My Provider offers me a Full Dual-Stack, but I can´t get it to work on my UTM.
The UTM is connected to a Router from my Provider which does a PPPoE Passthrough.

So currently the UTM does a Dial-in via PPPoE, which is working nicely... for IPv4.

However, i can´t get my IPv6 Prefix via PD.

One thing i would like to try to rule this one out:

My UTM still has the Prefix from my previous Provider set, and I dont know how to get it away.

Can somebody advice me how to delete it?


Kind regards



I managed to get a IPv6 Address assigned to the WAN interface (the subnet now also shows up) by deleting the Content of "/var/chroot-dhcpc/var/db/" and restarting "/var/mdw/scripts/ipv6_watchdog":

However, I can't get rid of the old Delegated Prefix.
Firmware Version is: 9.510-5.
I would greatly appreciate any help with that!

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