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Sophos UTM 9 - Throttling Bandwidth Down to 10 mps

Hello - I'm a novice at this, but I'm having an issue with one of our Sophos UTM 9 devices and my re-seller is unwilling to assist.  We have 5 locations running these devices and 4 out of 5 of them are working as expected.  However, one location is having it's bandwidth throttled behind the UTM.  Our ISP is TWC/Spectrum and we have a 400 up / 50 down package.  When plugging any device (I've used 2 laptops to test this) directly into the TWC modem, our speeds are close to what we should be getting ~391 / ~42.  However, anything behind the UTM is only getting speeds in the 8.2 - 9.8 range for up & down.  I've seen on other threads that IPS may cause this, but this has been disabled and the problem persists.  Further, I believe I configured this device the exact same way as I did for my other locations, but only one location is having an issue.  Has anyone else run into this before?  Any suggestions?  Thank you in advance!

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  • Select manually in the (wan) Interface harware list 1000fdx instead auto.

    Helps especially with some crappy cablemodem and cisco routers, which for some reason sometimes autoselect 100FDX or worse....

    And also check, that DoS protection (TCP/UDP/ICMP Flooding protection) is unchecked/disabled.