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cant find packet logging on UTM9

Hi all

am using UTM9 i cant find packet logging, if its not the same name what is the name for logging per IP



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  • What exactly is it what you are searching for? Is it a log of all traffic for one IP?

    In that case there is not a "1 place for all traffic" it depends on what you have or have not configured (web filtering on/off). There's a firewall log where you can find information but when you use web filtering there's also a web filtering log that's in use.

    Firewall will only show entries when a firewall rule has the "Log traffic" checkbox checked. Traffic that doesn't hit a rule (and therefore is blocked) will always be shown in the firewall log.

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • i am looking to log the traffic for one computer, specially the web browser and addresses been visited 

    how possible is this?


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