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Which Access Point?


I am looking to roll out Sophos AP's accross 3 sites over the next 2 weeks. However I am not sure which model I need. I can't seem to find any threads on google where somebody has recommended a specific product.

Currently we have:

Site 1 (2 floors / 45 users) 2 x Draytek Vigor AP900

Site 2 (2 floors / 10 users) 1 x Draytek Vigor AP900

Site 3 (1 floor / 10 users) 1 x Draytek Vigor AP900

The signal strength of these models work perfectly for what we need at each site. What would be the nearest Sophos match for this? The most important change I am looking to get out of this is fully segregated wi-fi. Where no wi-fi traffic reaches the production network, all wi-fi users simply gain internet access only. So please don't recommend any models that won't support that.


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