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Getting Started with Sophos Wireless in Sophos Central

The instructions on how to set up a Sophos Central trial account and how to activate Wireless in Sophos Central can be found in the files folder

What you will need to get started:

  1. A Sophos Central Account
  2. A current Access Point (AP 15/55/100) which has been updated to the latest firmware

Updating the firmware: Please ensure you follow the steps in this order and don't forget the delete the AP from the UTM once you're done as otherwise you will not be able to add it to Sophos Central.

a)      Install UTM 9.4

b)      Enable Wireless

c)      Configure a simple wireless network (no encryption)

d)      Connect AP to UTM, wait until it shows up as a pending AP

e)      Accept the AP, assign the wireless network

f)       Wait until the AP shows as an active AP

g)      Delete the AP

Happy testing!



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