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"I was using the Sophos AP 55C with management on my Sophos Firewall UTM, but I won't be using the firewall anymore where I have the access points installed. Is there a way for me to manage them differently? They are already in EOL. What can I do ?"

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[edited by: Erick Jan at 4:54 AM (GMT -8) on 12 Jan 2024]
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  • Hello Rodrigo,

    as I said: this does not require you to buy a license. You just go to, register yourself to get a so called "Sophos ID" and then it is mandatory that you "start a trial". This gives you access to Sophos Central finally. Then you can configure "Central Wireless", which means you add you APs by serialnumber to that management portal. Your AP55C should have the "Central ready" sticker on them, this is one prerequisite. The other prerequisite is that the APs have an unrestricted access to the internet/Sophos central system. Otherwise they can't be reigistered and managed.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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