Manage XG with Central

Can see we can now op for this but cant find where to acknowledge the request anywhere within Central :)


Good work guys, great to get to play with .5!

Kind regards


Parents Reply
  • Please try the following steps:

    Deregister the XG from Central by removing it. Click the ... on the far right if the firewall is listed.

    In the XG webadmin console, try to turn off Central Management. If you get an error and it doesnt switch off, please deregister completely all Central functions.

    Wait 10 or 20 seconds. If you had to deregister Central functions please now re-register, if you didn't try to add Central Management by clicking the slide control.


    At this point go to the Central UI, your XG should be listed. Don't click the Add Firewall button - its not working yet. The firewall should be listed and it should say Connected on the left hand side. On the right hand side under some placeholder text you should see a link Accept Management. Click that.

    The XG should now be connected to Central. Try clicking on the XG name/serial link.


    Let us know if this helps.
