Sophos Firewall: v21.0 EAP1: Feedback and experiences (EAP Thread)

Release Post:  Sophos Firewall v21 Early Access Announcement 

Whats New Link: 

Please provide feedback using the option at the top of every screen in your Sophos Firewall as shown below or via the Community Forums.

NOTE: Sophos Firewall v21 does NOT include support for XG and SG Series appliances. XG Series EOL is March 31, 2025.
XG/SG Hardware will find them self until the EOL on the V20.0 Branche with MR2 + 
Sophos SFOS Home users are not affected, as SFOS Home is running the software version. 

For LE Related config issues, please review this post first:  Let´s Encrypt Deep Dive & Debugging in SFOSv21.0  

[bearbeitet von: LuCar Toni um 8:59 AM (GMT -7) am 31 Aug 2024]
  • Some thoughts about Lets Encrypt from my end: 
    Release Notes: 
    Let’s Encrypt Certificate Support – A long-requested feature, Let's Encrypt certificate support enables the automatic deployment and renewal of certificates based on certificate signing requests (CSRs). Let’s Encrypt certificates are supported for WAF, SMTP, TLS configuration, hotspot sign-in, the Web Admin console, user portal, captive portal, VPN portal, and SPX portal.

    SFOSv21.0 LE is very similar to the implementation from UTM9. 
    You can start a new LE certificate for a domain, for example: You need to be the owner of this domain and add a DNS record for this FQDN. needs to point to the firewall (WAN). The firewall will try to request the certificate for and LE will reach out to the configured DNS. If this worked, you will get a valid certificate, you can use everywhere. The firewall will automatically refresh the certificate, if needed and there is no user interaction required. 

    For this concept, you do not need a subscription - Base Firewall is fine. 

    You cannot generate a wildcard certificate (* - This concept needs an DNS API renewal. SFOS (like UTM) supports only HTTP based renewal - Which limits to one domain per request. You can generate multiple FQDNs per firewall, if needed. 

    You cannot download the certificate and reuse it somewhere else. For this concept, you should review a own method like certbot or lego. 

    You find more information to debug LE here:  Let´s Encrypt Deep Dive & Debugging in SFOSv21.0  


  • Hi LucCar Toni,

    great that this important function is finally coming to SFOS thanks.

    But what surprises me is if this also works for VPN, i.e. for OpenVPN. How should this work with the client certs in config?
    The current situation is that you always have to distribute the config to the clients when swapping the global cert for SSL/OpenVPN.
    How should this work then?

    I had hoped that this would work automatically, because I already swap the cert.

    But even if a client connects via Sophos Connect before expiration,
    the cert remains old and the connection is no longer possible via VPN from the day the old one expires.

    Best Regards

  • Essentially i do not see a point in using LE for VPN at any chance. OpenVPN uses LE only for the management component and rely on own (self generated) CAs like SFOS does.

    The benefit of LE for VPN compared to a self/gen CAs is not given due the fact of trust relationship. You can use LE for the VPN Portal to get the self-gen ovpn file. 

    Same for UTM - there was never a reason to switch to LE and deal with the Auto regen problems. 

    BTW: You would have to do it for every user all the time, means an additional load of tasks for no benefit. 


  • If you use profile based vpn config, your clients have the update policy option where they can refresh the vpn config, saves a lot of time and effort.

    Bart van der Horst

    Sophos XG v18(.5) / v19 Certified Architect

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