Using EAP Refresh 1 ISO to build a test XG

I have sent using a J1900 based box for various varsions of XG. So I decided to move the MR-9 to my E# box and use the J1900 as the EAP test box.

In summary a very painful exercise.

The EAP ISO has a new install process or at least the startup screen shows the SFLoader starting first, then you are offered install with the standard question Y to install. All going well, takes awhile and when you get to the end the remove install software and enter y to reboot.

Nothing appears to be happening after the screen is cleared and a message booting appears. Waited awhile, restarted the XG, again same screen, disk activity, buy no screen updates. Waited longer this time and console appears requesting password, this is good. Check various settings including setting the time. Tried logging in to the GUI, no success, waited, checked W10n for address assignment, it ha a valid address, but no connection.  Restart again, but no access. 

So a fresh install, same process as above, but this time waited longer (no screen activity) and eventually I was able to login to the GUI with finish install screen. Go through the normal steps and add XG device ID which synchronises but doesn't go any further. So restart browser, no joy. Restart XG and wait even longer, login via GUI and found installation is completed. What the heck?


GUI - insights doesn't't update even overnight

Notifications - goes fine until I change the state of the management port, then the circle of busy. Refresh browser and can use other GUI tabs. Check the notification page, still spinning. Restart XG, notification page still spinning. After initial use console does not respond until the XG is restarted.

I decide the J1900 is just too slow to make any changes or look at various logs.

Time to use a bigger box based on an e3-1240 v3. Way faster, but even less information during installation because the build software does not cooer to known how to configure a display card. 

Another install this time watching disk lights and the CD drive, guessed at answers based on previous installation experience. waited a short time until the NIC lights started flashing and logged into the GUI to be presented with the finish install screen. Same process as the J1900 installations but way faster.

Changed some of the notifications during the finish screen process because there were more screens presented.

Restarted and was able to login to see the normal XG GUI. Change a couple of rules and change MTA to legacy. Then tried to up date notifications and again the perpetual ball of busy.



1/. default MTA configuration and firewall rule appears to leave the XG open as a mail relay. Lots of failed relay attempts logged.

2/. Install process does not appear to have been checked very thoroughly

3/. something wrong with the console setup during installation

4/. No default video drivers provided in the ISO.


E3-1240 runs rings around J1900 for management. Both performed well for the speed test on my 50/20 data service

Yes, I know a long rant.


Parents Reply
  • Hello Emile,

    I can recommend the X10SDV board. I've been using it for over a year and a half. I have installed the X10SDV-6C-TLN4F model with the ESXi v6.7 hypervisor. If you would like to use RAID drives in conjunction with the ESXi hypervisor on this board, you need to use the hardware RAID controller, because the ESXi hypervisor does not support integrated Intel SW RAID controller. I use the Adaptec RAID 6405E RAID controller, but I recommend using an additional RAID chip cooler for this controller because it gets hot enough.


